Monday, July 14, 2008

How to Destroy Your Faith

My homeschool geek forum is of the mainstays-a super-geek, as it were, has come out and announced (literally-he posted a new thread announcing this) that he is an atheist.

The geekroom has lost its footing.

See, the SuperGeek was once a staunch advocate of the whole Christian thing: he claimed to be born-again, he knows his bible, he used to go church, the whole nine yards. But now, the unthinkable has happened, and he actually denies the existance of the One he spent much of his life supposedly devoted to. For him, apparantly there is not enough credible evidence.

Now, for some of us in the geek room, this announcement was not a surprise. There were obvious signs. I'd like to share them with you all, in an effort keep someone else from falling off the turnip truck.

1. SuperGeek quit going to church. The bible clearly tells us that church and collective worship with other believers is vital to our Christian growth.

2. SuperGeek was not a bible student, but a bible scholar. Big diff: the student is humble, the scholar is seeking to correct the textbook and question the teacher. He was indeed "ever seeking, never able to come to the knowledge of the truth". The bible says "faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God." If you convince yourself the word of God is full of mistakes, your faith will shatter on such a shaky foundation.

3. SuperGeek was consumed with himself. Every thought and action of this man seems to be self-serving. He over analyzed his own faith. Always looking inward, questioning his faith and his actions that stemmed from that faith, he neglected sharing his faith with others, and his faith just shrank.

4. To try to stop his crisis of faith, SuperGeek looked to different denominations and religions. Instead of turning to God's Word, he turned to whatever scholarly type he could find in the Christian bookstore, various different faiths, and science. Sure enough, by neglecting turning to God's word and prayer, in repentance and with humility, he continued his downward spiral.

And so now, he is a one-man wrecking ball on my geek forum. Since he was obviously the smartest "Christian" there, and he's denied it, so many other geeks are questioning their faith. It is the most depressing thing I've seen in a long time, and I have watched more than one Todd Bentley video.

The Bible says "an heretick after the first and second admonition reject". However, so many in the Geekroom are still conversing with SuperGeek on this topic. In their arrogance, they think if they say just one more stunningly brilliant thing, he'll get back on the Happy Train. And, instead, the more they try, the more their own faith rattles. God knows what he's talking about. Part of Christianity is trust-we must trust the Lord in these areas as well as trusting Him to save our souls.

Please pray for the SuperGeek. He's a husband and a father, and his influence is, well...large.


Brad Gilbert said...

I deleted the previous comment due to some errors made by my keyboard! ;-)

As I read your blog, a couple of quotes from AW Tozer's THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY come to mind:

"...the self-assurance of modern Christians, the basic levity pressent in so many of our religious gatherings, the shocking disrespect shown toward the person of God, are evidence enough of deep blindness of heart."

In speaking about the Trinity, he says: "Indeed, to seek proof is to admit doubt, and to obtain proof is to render faith superflous."

Southern Latitudes said...

I found you by googling!! Praise God. KidsRUs told me to read something here.

Wow, you said it all and it is so true. I 'Amen' or 'Ditto' everything you wrote about. He was on my prayerlist long ago when I could sense he was questioning how to find truth. It was one of the biggest signs that he was no longer questioning creation & Genesis but truly walking down the plank.

Take care & I hope to read more good things here in the future. Currently, I'm off of the forums and I'm rather happy with all the sadness on the geek forum. I don't think I could handle watching it first-hand.

Miss you & your friendship,
Robin of FL (now over at the HS Library)

Southern Latitudes said...

Btw, Todd Bentley is pitiful. (just an additional thought)

Godsmacked said...

You don't sound like you are grieveing at all. The tone, in fact, is quite smug.

So many words to say "I told you so!"

Tammy said...

I'm not sure that the word "heretic" in the passage of Scripture that you quoted refers to someone who is having a crisis of faith and finding difficulty in believing God. Unless I am mistaken, I think the meaning of the word "heretic" has more to do with someone within the church choosing to reject the teaching authority of the church and starting their own factious group. [from Greek hairetikos, able to choose, factious]

You wrote: >>> so many in the Geekroom are still conversing with SuperGeek on this topic. In their arrogance, they think if they say just one more stunningly brilliant thing, he'll get back on the Happy Train. And, instead, the more they try, the more their own faith rattles.<<<

I know many people whose faith has not been rattled by talking to atheists about what they believe. I'm not sure why you would attribute a person's motives to engage an atheist in conversation as being prideful and arrogant. Trying hard not to judge here, but that statement seems arrogant to me. Could it be possible that they do so out of love?

It seems to me that you have judged the hearts of many people in this post, and I do not feel that it is your place to do so.

Roda said...

To Godsmacked and Tammy-

You're right.

My tone was smug, and I need to apologize for that. The person I used as an example did not deserve to be treated that was, regardless of what they have decided about God.

This person is truly brilliant, and I pray their search for truth will bring them back to Christ. I am saddened by their decision, and I hope no one else I know ever goes down that same path. My words here were an attempt to help me and anyone who reads this (all four of fall into the same black hole.